I've not posted here for a while and to be honest probably will not do so again. I do still blog you can read my musings at The Thanet Star where I write about Thanet in general but I've given up with TDC to be honest. Getting beaten up by TDC builders and then harassed by a cop not liking my reporting him to the police complaints commission (over the aforementioned assault's (lack of) investigation), took that spark right out of what should have been a blog about doing basic gardening (because the council can not maintain even a featureless yard). I never got an answer out of the council over any of these issues and all three councillors failed to even stand for this area when the elections came around. That's not to say that they did not stand. (No one much felt like cleaning up the mess the council had made when it was clear that helping earns you a ride in an ambulance).

I have started to talk about green issues again at The Green Moral and I have been talking about geek stuff and my general opinions like how much I loath the council and their workers when they are not up to the job (talking about that hello to the chap who serviced my boiler thanks for the advice that was dead handy). Anyway things of the geeky and opinionated nature are found at the oddly-named Fantastic Site of Lord Matt, Super Geek. Don't forget if you liked this blog come and see The Thanet Star - I think you might love it.

What follows is an archive of neglect that is officialy denied by TDC.

Friday, February 04, 2005

The "builders" are here...

Well I guess that eventually they would send the cowboys in to finnish a job they said they'd compleated at the begining of last year. The picture shown here is of the wet paint sign that was put up after the paint was dry. Posted by Hello

Intro and a shock for some-ones boss.

Doorway to Danger

Good paint job! (NOT)

Remember all our hard work in the summer?

beware of cowboys flinging things from up above.

Close up to danger part 1

Close up to danger part 2

Close up to danger part 3

This has been a documentation of the impact of District Council (TDC) contracting and sub-contracting standards.
posted by Matt the Hat at 2/04/2005 02:59:00 pm 0 comments

Web thanetcouncil.blogspot.com

It's very imortant when nameing and shaming it is important to name. The scaffold was put up by High Rise Scaffolding who can be called on [44] (01923) 350 254 you can text them on +447769900438 Posted by Hello

This has been a documentation of the impact of District Council (TDC) contracting and sub-contracting standards.
posted by Matt the Hat at 2/04/2005 01:35:00 pm 0 comments

Web thanetcouncil.blogspot.com

They've been at it for weeks but only now do the shiny new signs show up saying danger don't be here. I'd like to know how they are looking after the safty of the people who live here?

You can tell the signs are new as they would have been smashed off by the crap that has been thrown down.
And yes that is my front door we have all learned to look left, then look right then look up and run for it when exiting the building.
Taking the kids out is worse. Posted by Hello

This has been a documentation of the impact of District Council (TDC) contracting and sub-contracting standards.
posted by Matt the Hat at 2/04/2005 01:27:00 pm 0 comments

Web thanetcouncil.blogspot.com

Regular readers will now be asking why did you bother with all that green fingured stuff. Posted by Hello

This has been a documentation of the impact of District Council (TDC) contracting and sub-contracting standards.
posted by Matt the Hat at 2/04/2005 01:17:00 pm 0 comments

Web thanetcouncil.blogspot.com

This is all the junk they have been simply "dropping" (Read throwing) from the top floors. To be fair they have now got a shoot installed but it took them long enough. Posted by Hello

This has been a documentation of the impact of District Council (TDC) contracting and sub-contracting standards.
posted by Matt the Hat at 2/04/2005 01:15:00 pm 0 comments

Web thanetcouncil.blogspot.com

More quality plank work!!! Posted by Hello

This has been a documentation of the impact of District Council (TDC) contracting and sub-contracting standards.
posted by Matt the Hat at 2/04/2005 01:13:00 pm 0 comments

Web thanetcouncil.blogspot.com

This is the same view of the platform as the post of just a few seconds ago. Notice the total lack of litter and the "quality" of those windows.

That row of planks furthest away has an interesting story: The one nearest the wall was sticking up in such a way as to suggest that some one was soon going to die. Of course my friend possing as an inspector probably motivated them a lot and I understand the builders were all asking each other who the "traitor" was. Posted by Hello

This has been a documentation of the impact of District Council (TDC) contracting and sub-contracting standards.
posted by Matt the Hat at 2/04/2005 01:08:00 pm 0 comments

Web thanetcouncil.blogspot.com

Now please forgive the fact that this photo was taken through a window welded half open but let me point out a few things about this image.
First that pole should be marked yellow and capped.
Second: that whole you can see in the wall (so I am told) is to secure the scafold to the building to stop it wobbling like a good'n. Forgive me for my lack of trust in our current cowboys but you'd have to pay me a hell of a lot of money to get me to consider going out on that wobbly platform. This is the second floor not some low level training camp.
Third: Notice the secure plank at the edge there. It's a long way down.
Fourth: It's fithly and a damn slipping hazzard
Fifth: That gap is so they can ignore all safty procedure and just drop rubbish down to the ground level.
sixth: yes it's a dust mask. Posted by Hello

This has been a documentation of the impact of District Council (TDC) contracting and sub-contracting standards.
posted by Matt the Hat at 2/04/2005 12:58:00 pm 0 comments

Web thanetcouncil.blogspot.com

Here is some of that "quality" paint work that a two month old with the hic-cups could have done a better job of. Please note the black paint that has been sloped everywhere.

...and no there is nothing wrong with the camera that is dust inside the building from the "work" going on out side.

The dust is so bad that it is simply a matter of time before some-one slips and falls.

Another Quality screw-up from TDC.

This has been a documentation of the impact of District Council (TDC) contracting and sub-contracting standards.
posted by Matt the Hat at 2/04/2005 12:50:00 pm 0 comments

Web thanetcouncil.blogspot.com