I've not posted here for a while and to be honest probably will not do so again. I do still blog you can read my musings at The Thanet Star where I write about Thanet in general but I've given up with TDC to be honest. Getting beaten up by TDC builders and then harassed by a cop not liking my reporting him to the police complaints commission (over the aforementioned assault's (lack of) investigation), took that spark right out of what should have been a blog about doing basic gardening (because the council can not maintain even a featureless yard). I never got an answer out of the council over any of these issues and all three councillors failed to even stand for this area when the elections came around. That's not to say that they did not stand. (No one much felt like cleaning up the mess the council had made when it was clear that helping earns you a ride in an ambulance).

I have started to talk about green issues again at The Green Moral and I have been talking about geek stuff and my general opinions like how much I loath the council and their workers when they are not up to the job (talking about that hello to the chap who serviced my boiler thanks for the advice that was dead handy). Anyway things of the geeky and opinionated nature are found at the oddly-named Fantastic Site of Lord Matt, Super Geek. Don't forget if you liked this blog come and see The Thanet Star - I think you might love it.

What follows is an archive of neglect that is officialy denied by TDC.

Thursday, July 28, 2005


The thug-like builders have now gone. The work has very recently been "completed" after an extensive break. The entry phone system still does not work athough this seems to be down to ineptidude at the managerial level rather than the direct fault of ground crew.

The weed trimmers came by yesterday and disterbed the peace for three hours hacking ineffectivly at the weeds that pass for grass before efficiently blowing the cuttings about for a while before leaving them where they were. I'm sure this is so allergy sufferers can itch and suffer all the more.

We have restarted work on the yard that the council has failed to do and will be taking advice on the best replacements for the plants ripped out by the councils own thugs.

The police have still failed to interview key witnesses in the assult that occoured here and no follow up to the police harrasment issue has been made so far.

My intention is to contact my local MP with this information and hopefully make life hard on the bent coppers of the Margate nick that seem to think that victims of crime should be treated like crap.

Thanet District Council continue to deny the photographic evidence that we have presented and I will be pubblishing the latest key images of this evidence before writting once more to the council so they can ignore me like they always do.

More soon.

This has been a documentation of the impact of District Council (TDC) contracting and sub-contracting standards.
posted by Matt the Hat at 7/28/2005 09:17:00 pm 0 comments

Web thanetcouncil.blogspot.com

Meet the faces behind the neglect

Given the shear ability of council members to ignore us I have chosen to take the radical step of placing their photos and short profiles on this site. All information is already publicly available on the council website.

This is Ian Gregory he is the Conservative representing Dane Valley (the area in question). He is a member of the Standards Committee and he works at the Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital as Estate Manager. He lists building development as a special interest.

He lives in East Northdown Close in Cliftonville. His full address is available on the council website which details that he does not meet with people (or it does not detail that he does - you choose).

This man is Shaun C Connell he is the Labour member representing Dane Valley and his activities are listed as member of the Licensing Board.

He lives in Northdown Road in Margate and can be reached by phone on 0871 347682. He has no email address according to the website nor meeting times, nor interests. I'm guessing this man will not act in any real way for us.

I'm sure his membership of the Labour party means something to him so I've listed a member of said party that can be reached by email in the hope that a message can be passed on.

This is Linda Aldred she is a Labour member representing Cliftonville West. She is apparently a member of the (lack of) Planning Committee and the Shadow Cabinet.

She says she enjoys living in Thanet and is committed to ensuring the ongoing regeneration of the area, but quite frankly I fail to see the evidence of this around here.

She lives in Dumpton Park Drive which is in Broadstairs. The full address is on the Thanet Council website. you can email here at this address: mailto:llaldred@yahoo.co.uk?subject=council or via this address committee@thanet.gov.uk. In the event that you wish to speak with her she very kindly puts aside a whole day each month to meet people by appointment only at this address: 4 Northdown Road Cliftonville. CT9 2RW on the first Saturday of every month.

Ask them about the building standards the thugs the council employs use.

This has been a documentation of the impact of District Council (TDC) contracting and sub-contracting standards.
posted by Matt the Hat at 7/28/2005 07:45:00 pm 0 comments

Web thanetcouncil.blogspot.com

Later today members of the council will get this email.


CC: Shaun C Connell, please.

Could you perhaps explain a few things to me and the other people that live in council housing near Invicta House.

Thanet Council boasts about finnishing Invicta House and Surrounding Council Proprties ahead of schedule but the truth is well ducument and published on-line that shows the work is unfinnished and often of questionable standards. Can you clear up for me how the litigation office of the council can deny photographic evidence of substandard work?

While you are writting your reply could you also explain how builders compleating work that is already finnished came to assult a tenant of the council? While you are explaining this: can you, perhaps, expalain how this tenant came to be threatened with eviction shortly after leaving hospital?

If that is too sensative an issue can you perhaps expalin how no safty checks or site visits were made during or after building works commisioned by the council; even after complaints of poor standards, bad workmanship, assult, sexual harrasment and raceisum were made. http://thanetcouncil.blogspot.com/2005/02/now-please-forgive-fact-that-this.html - can you perhaps enlighten me as to how substandard and unsafe practices can be officially denied by the litigation officer dispite public evidence to the contrary?


Could you explain how the council has managed to deny that it's builders made a regualr practice of throwing things from the scafolding throughout the working period there was scaffolding up this year (and during the dismantaling of the scaffolding)dispite photos and eye witness reports?

Yes, I am at rather a loss about that one too.

Or perhaps you would simply like to ask why a lot of money was wasted during that time and how so much paint ended up on walls and doors not owned by the council?

Perhaps you would care to visit the properties in question where even though the work is not yet compleate the paint is peeling off in places.

Can you provide us with any idea why the council and its employees insist that the builders that worked arround the invicta tower block area worked to industry standards but seem, by the same token, unable to locate or provide those standards?

I suggest that members of Thanet Council, it's staff and contacters have totally failled to ensure Council employed builders worked to a recognised standard causing money to be wasted wasted and goods that have been "reappropriated" in clear sight of the council tenants to go unnoticed.

Three out of nine doors in a single block were never painted.

A tenant was assulted.

Dangerouse working practices were used.

The windows fitted look to be FACTORY REGECTS. I have spoken to people with glazing expirence and they have all expressed shock that any one paid anything for those windows

Residents were threatened and abused.

Sexual remarks and other suggestive comments were made to single mothers in front of thier children.

Dry Fibre (Fibre Glass) was left exposed less than 100 meters from a school:
See also: House of Commons Hansard Written Answers for 3 May 2000 (pt 20)

Unsecured cables in public walkways was the norm for the entire stay of the builders: http://thanetcouncil.blogspot.com/2005/02/this-is-public-pathway-and-here-is.html

Two year old chuildren learned new four letter words begining with S, C and F.

plugged in power tools were regularly plugged in were children might get to them When I complained I was threatened.

Rasist and bigotted langauge outside chuildrens bedrooms windows first thing in the morning was the norm.

Builders regularly made a practice of using the scaffolding to attempt to spy on mothers getting dressed or breast feeding.

I would like to know how all this could ever be rectified.

I would also like to know when the spending and the missing items will be audited?

It would also be good to find out who instructed the police not to interview key witnesses in the assult case, or weather they are just too incompitent to do so. The result of the failed investigation and the vast number of smashed car windows that followed the departure of builders that have never been investigated has caused many roumours of curruption to spread around the estate.

clearly someone needs to make a stand and be seen to be acting for the area.


Mr M. Brown.

This has been a documentation of the impact of District Council (TDC) contracting and sub-contracting standards.
posted by Matt the Hat at 7/28/2005 03:16:00 pm 0 comments

Web thanetcouncil.blogspot.com