Thanet District Council - The high price for dropping votes.
Going by the figures on this site the cost of the (cowboy set) cladding is at least £30,000 plus the other costs. I would expect a lot more for my money than the crap job being done by these people.
The outfit of monkeys set to paint the door couldn't even muster the strength to use sandpaper nor the ability to paint without missing bits.
I would further like to know if Thanet District Council bothered to register this project with the INCA of whom it would seem connaught are assosiate (not full) members.
"Members of INCA are bound under the Association Code of Professional Practice to investigate any customer complaint, take any appropriate remedial action, and agree to Association arbitration should this be required."
It would supprise me to discover that connaught are actually aware that:
CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT 1987: Provides for approved safety standards to enable compliance with general safety requirements.
HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK ETC ACT 1974: Among other things controls the classification, carriage and storage of dangerous substances.
(Not to mention: Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances Regulations 1984)
It would further supprise me if insurence claims have not already been made this year against connaught due in some part or totality to negligence.
Given thier campaign of "miss-truths" about locals, assults, and vebal agression it has become increasingly difficult for people who live here to feel safe. It is probable that a number of us could take action under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 and perhaps even compel Thanet Council to hire some-one else. I for one am not intimidated by their hired thugs, swearing, threats and agressive behavour - I am sure the fat foreman and other head monkeys enjoys thier regualr "chats" with the local police.
Thanet might well be a very unsafe place to live but I have found it is an equal oppertunities form of "unsafe". I mentioned in my last post that I hoped that there would be a bunch of angry bikers come to "pay back" and while this is, in truth, a little unlikely (most bikers of that type grew up and setteled down to raise families years ago) it is still likely that fate will step in sooner or later. I just hope I'm arround to "appriciate" it when/if it does.
While connaught and other hired thugs of Thanet distric Council are unlikely to win new friends or customers for themselves (quite the opposite I'd say) they may have at least done one good turn. Opinion on the ground has very much turned against the current council which, one can hope, should mean fresh faces come this years local elections. This in tern should mean that connaught may at beast have less than a years work left before those fresh faces actually hire a company capable of doing the job properly.
connaught: also known to locals as "...those thugs that threaten children". (and you can be sure that is the clean version).