I've not posted here for a while and to be honest probably will not do so again. I do still blog you can read my musings at The Thanet Star where I write about Thanet in general but I've given up with TDC to be honest. Getting beaten up by TDC builders and then harassed by a cop not liking my reporting him to the police complaints commission (over the aforementioned assault's (lack of) investigation), took that spark right out of what should have been a blog about doing basic gardening (because the council can not maintain even a featureless yard). I never got an answer out of the council over any of these issues and all three councillors failed to even stand for this area when the elections came around. That's not to say that they did not stand. (No one much felt like cleaning up the mess the council had made when it was clear that helping earns you a ride in an ambulance).

I have started to talk about green issues again at The Green Moral and I have been talking about geek stuff and my general opinions like how much I loath the council and their workers when they are not up to the job (talking about that hello to the chap who serviced my boiler thanks for the advice that was dead handy). Anyway things of the geeky and opinionated nature are found at the oddly-named Fantastic Site of Lord Matt, Super Geek. Don't forget if you liked this blog come and see The Thanet Star - I think you might love it.

What follows is an archive of neglect that is officialy denied by TDC.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Eviction Threats.

In light of the eviction threats made by Mr Evans of Thanet Council over our refusal to accept their lies and abuse any second longer I feel it only fitting that I publicise my reply to them before I send it.

I will now appeal to whoever I can and continue untill I reach the House of Lords itself if I must.

Without prejudice

Dear Sir,

With reference to the letter dated 20th September 2005 with reference [CE/JO58HS2445] and signed by on behalf of Colin Evans (Assistant Litigation Solicitor).
Also with reference to previous correspondence from Mr Evans.

First let me draw you attention to a number of discrepancies in the nature of the unfounded allegations I am being accused of. In earlier correspondence Mr Evans alleged that I had trespassed on scaffold that I had always maintained was unsafe and in need of review. (Indeed advice from friends that have worked in the building trade have only confirmed my fears.) However in his letter dated 20/09/05 Mr Evans no suggests with no evidence at all that I have now become guilty of harassing and assaulting contractors.

Would this be the same contractor that threatened to murder my children and afforded me a visit to the Accident and Emergency department of the QEQM?

I have a crime reference number for the assault that was carried out against me, can Mr Evans provide such support for his imaginary claims of assault against builders.

Is this how the council deals with all allegations of abuse of the public trust - by threatening to make a family homeless?

Mr Evans references an email to “Councillor Ezekiel” (of 01/08/05). It is to this email that he claims to be responding. Perhaps he feels that he is earning “brownie points” by freeing up a council house by false claims?

I request that Mr Evans provide evidence or publicly apologise for his threats. I have been mistreated to the point that I refuse to be silent in the face of threats from bullies who think that by forcing myself and my children to sleep on the streets they can get rid of an issue they are unable to address.

Mr Evans my feel that it is “reasonable to consider possession proceedings against” me by he has yet to prove that I have “broken tenancy conditions” other than that a few workers exposed for poor standards have made up some stories that not only change but remain unproven.

In response to Mr Evans “instructions” that the workmanship is not substandard I ask again that the documentation of the standards to which these people worked and the independent report that confirms these standards be made available.

Mr Evans seems unable to asses the information for himself and this leads me to wonder if he were to claim the sky was pink if so advised by the Council. I draw you attention to the fact that I have publicly and photographically documented the work carried out by the works and have shown that the standard of work is poor.

I notice that Mr Evans is no longer able to deny that windows were fitted in the council house with screws sticking from them at irregular angles. This is wise given he overwhelming public photographic evidence.

Mr Evans: the weak denials you have sent me are no replacement for facts or proof. You of all people are aware of the importance of providing evidence for claims if justice is to be served. I appeal to you as a rational human being to examine the truth of this issue for yourself. You are clearly a man of learning and ability to have achieved the qualifications required for your post. Put that ability now to good use and help end this needless wasting of public money.

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There is also a good chance I will contact the Local MP.

This has been a documentation of the impact of District Council (TDC) contracting and sub-contracting standards.
posted by Matt the Hat at 9/22/2005 11:25:00 am 0 comments

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