It never gets any better.
It's a wonder the people who live around here have not lynched the thoughtless animals the council chooses in it's ignorance to call workers. Do they think that... hell, that's probably the problem their combined IQ must be close to nothing as it is.
If any one believes for a moment that treating our homes like a some sort of degraded lavatory is goes to make us happy then I, for one, welcome the threat of great scads of bikers coming to see why a female friend of a friend was too scared to leave her home after the dickless morons sent a cheap thug to smash a few things and threaten small children with violence.
If they are under the impression that this will silence us then they are more stupid than I took them for.
If they believe that just because the blog has been silent that I have not been active then they really deserve... but I get ahead of myself.
For the benefit of the readership I will cover the events of the past month.
Thug with hammer, threatens women and children scares crap out of many residents probably a cheap £50 backhander to some-one off site. etc. etc. etc.
The signs go up "work has stopped".
Then they have a long break and figure that it is time to start messing the place up again and endangering women and children alike.
It was bad enough un-training my two year old girl who had learnt that the S, F and C words were fun to say. Thank you very much you bunch of dumb assed moneys. Take my word for it. If you pay peanuts you get monkeys.
So the cowboys are back and granddad Jones the alleged father and no doubt financier of the attack at Elham Close is back working right out side my window.
You will only call me into an ambush situation once, you maggot. You of all the workers are clearly a cowboy. I don't care what qualifications you claim to have - in my opinion you work for a firm of maggots run by monkeys and your only answer is to swear at me and then lie about it before paying a braver man than all those that work in the company to come and threaten two year olds with a hammer.
Your thug didn't scare me so now you will have to put up with the world knowing that I think your work is pathetic. I think your company is pathetic and I know the people you work with are nothing but yellow chickens.
Your lies about me have not worked. Your thug has not worked.
And the world is about to see, first hand, the rest of the story of how badly your company seems to do things. I give it a year maybe two before the cracks are really showing. Less if you do the job.
I, for one, will not sit silent while a bunch of unskilled idiots turn my home in to a site so dangerous the signs declare I should be wearing a hard hat.

The power tools abandoned in the hall way did not go unnoticed.
And by the way when you tap down your cable you are supposed to use fresh tape not tape that's been on the cable so long the only thing it covers is the damn cable. It supposed to stop people tripping over. Honestly, couldn't pour water from a boot with instructions printed on the heal...
Are you people terminally thick? This place you work in is OUR HOME! We DEMAND SOME DAMN RESPECT. (Bunch of filthy animals... wouldn't... if you were on fire...)