I've not posted here for a while and to be honest probably will not do so again. I do still blog you can read my musings at The Thanet Star where I write about Thanet in general but I've given up with TDC to be honest. Getting beaten up by TDC builders and then harassed by a cop not liking my reporting him to the police complaints commission (over the aforementioned assault's (lack of) investigation), took that spark right out of what should have been a blog about doing basic gardening (because the council can not maintain even a featureless yard). I never got an answer out of the council over any of these issues and all three councillors failed to even stand for this area when the elections came around. That's not to say that they did not stand. (No one much felt like cleaning up the mess the council had made when it was clear that helping earns you a ride in an ambulance).

I have started to talk about green issues again at The Green Moral and I have been talking about geek stuff and my general opinions like how much I loath the council and their workers when they are not up to the job (talking about that hello to the chap who serviced my boiler thanks for the advice that was dead handy). Anyway things of the geeky and opinionated nature are found at the oddly-named Fantastic Site of Lord Matt, Super Geek. Don't forget if you liked this blog come and see The Thanet Star - I think you might love it.

What follows is an archive of neglect that is officialy denied by TDC.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Update of Events

So far there has been no news on the eviction threats by the more corrupt elements within the council. and the people who should answer are sadly silent.

Of course the security door still doesn't work and the workmen never showed up on the day they wrote to us to tell us they would attend.

have, however, been in contact and promised to talk to us about the original issue of the state of the green areas... However these promises are thin on the ground and have yet to transpire into any actual action.

I have dropped a line to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and written to the MP (Mr Gale) for the area while copying my requests to two newspapers. Sooner or later the council will have to provide evidence they know what they are doing or give in and admit they simply made an error.

No biggie realy.

Still we can hope that one day Thanet will produce a candidate worth voting into office.

In the mean time we shall continue to maintain that the builders did a very poor job and should be sacked and the council needs to pull their collective finger out and employ contractors that are able to do the job. As opposed to signing up to blogger with silly account names during the lunch break to type lame and uninspired insults into the occasional comment field, as is their current very mature approach.

We expect more from our insults around these parts - anything under 500 words and without a specific point of evidence, (and at least a little creativity), just shows that the writer is the kind of bad monkey that sits at home picking it's nose because it can't work out where the remote control is nor how to use it, (the complexities of using more than six letters on the keyboard without a half hour nap are lost on them all-together).

Further more, we expect words of greater than four letters, grammar, and a vague shot at spelling. If this is too hard for the maggot sized brains of these turnip loving fools then I suggest they go back to school, learn to read, by a thesaurus and quit using the same five words (which are not only dull but demonstrate an alarming probability that these excrement-of-a-bovine-lovers failed to gain entry into the human race at all).

But then what should we expect, these idiots are both to yellow in the back and far to stupid to open thier own blog and provide (shock horror) an informed opinion. Which is why we are right and they are still the unheard idiot fringe.

This has been a documentation of the impact of District Council (TDC) contracting and sub-contracting standards.
posted by Matt the Hat at 9/27/2005 04:45:00 pm 0 comments

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